No one knows when Amazon will release its PS5 consoles for sale - or if it even has any. This PS5 production boost could see restocks becoming significantly more common. To achieve Sony plans to boost PS5 manufacturing to levels "never achieved before" over the coming months.

In some positive restock news, Sony has recently told investors that one of its top priorities is getting more PS5s into the hands of consumers. The retailer will no longer be holding restock events but will instead allow individual stores to sell stock as they get it, so make sure to check your nearest location. Whilst you're at it, check our Target promo codes to see if we can save you a few extra dollars on those local store orders. Similarly, Target has confirmed a massive change to how it handles selling PS5 consoles which could offer hope to gamers still after a next-gen console. The good news is that Amazon is now accepting registrations for invite-only PS5 restocks. Getting your hands on a PS5 restock has been significantly easier in recent weeks, but we expect stock levels to be stretched as we enter the holiday season.